May 28, 2007

r a n d o m o n i a

mom left this morning. first time in years she didn't make me batshit at various points. i love my mom, but adult parent-child relationships can be...ah, interesting? challenging? AFOG. (another fuckin' opportunity for growth). that's what they are.

i have new neighbors upstairs. they turn their TV on at 6am. they listen to the stereo on heavy bass... their footsteps are much heavier than our previous neighbors. old neighbors even had delightfully exuberant pit bulls who ran laps. must meet new neighbors else they only annoy from afar.

new ink. covering my first tattoo. larger chest piece. slippery slope. pretty colors.

paul's about to lose his yoga bet. five spin classes in june. cannot wait to see this.

not exercising due to daily 9am work meeting (wtf?) and long hours. might be blowing off the morning meeting. exercise is sanity when working crazily.

breathing. it is an important thing to do.

june is around the corner. june conveys beginnings and endings. i was both married and divorced in the month of june. this year june promises long hours working. more tattoo fun. hopefully some good outdoorsy action. the possibility of my new bike being completed?

bike? ride? not hardly these days. sad.

but so much good around.

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