December 30, 2006
the waves of 2006
The Crap:
Had to put Milo down. Hands down, this was the saddest, shittiest thing of 2006. I miss him still.
The Car Accident on April 5, 2006 and the resulting loss of my cycling year. Learned how much Allstate sucks, too.
Worked a hell of a lot and didn't have much downtime during the good weather.
Basically shut down the dog biz due to being so busy in advertising.
Didn't make it to Yosemite even once.
No backpacking trips.
Parking in my 'hood.
The Good:
Sold the house right before the market skidded and did well on the sale.
Purging and simplifying during the move. It's nice to have less stuff!
A couple good car camping trips.
Having a solid friendship with my ex-spouse.
Luna staying in good health and getting to see the joy of her having two homes.
The freedom of renting versus owning. Owning isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Being in a really healthy, wonderful relationship with someone I adore.
Hippo the Cat, a fun addition to the fam.
December 21, 2006
The Longest Night

It is the Winter Solstice. The shortest day. The longest night of the year.
A time of darkness. And the promise of lightness. New life. New beginnings to move forth from the darkness. A time for quiet. Introspection.
Light a candle tonight and sit for a moment in silence. Appreciate what has come to pass and all that there is to come.
December 18, 2006
Holiday Madness
For real. The frenzy of the holidays brings out the worst in people right now. The expectations of the holidays, the shopping in particular, results in people being crazed right now. Hurried. Rude. Inconsiderate. Absent-minded. Must shop. Gotta get everything on the list. People seem quick to cut each other off driving.
What about good cheer? Goodwill towards others? It's gone the wayside due to consuming, and the commercialism of this grouping of holidays.
It sucks. Reason # 613 I ignore the holidays. Perhaps this year, with taking the month off, I am more acutely aware of the madness because I am not moving anywhere near that pace of life.
In other news: I sat for a few more hours of tattoo work on my belt piece. It's nearly done; just have another couple hours of the fine details work, the shading and refining. Marcus layers his colors in like a watercolor, so he likes to see the colors from session to session so he can really work in the details. This sitting was more painful than the last one. I was complain-y and getting electrical current-like radiating sensations far from the actual needlin'.
Advice for the day: If you get tattooed along the beltline the day before, it's a really bad idea to put on spandex shorts and go to a spin class less than 24 hours after a tattoo appointment.
December 15, 2006
I'm not, honest!

Playful Loon
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
I'm really truly not turning into a crazy cat lady, blogging and flickring all about my cat.
i'm just an all around animal nut, and to prove it, here's a photo of my supercute dog Luna. She took a break in between killing her stuffed toy to post for the camera.
Am I dork? Quite possibly.
December 13, 2006
Powder Days
We got in a good five hours of riding. My first run, as usual, left me thinking, "Do I remember how to do this?" and from there on out, it only got better. It's feeling more natural. Pilates seems to be helping my snowboarding, even!
A good good day. Wet heavy snow fell after lunch, but we still rode until the lifts closed.
So much fun. Went back to the car, and the tire chain mishap we had driving in left me with a flat tire. Called Triple-A, waited by the fire, and they came and replaced the tire and followed me up Carson Spur to make sure I could get out of the snow without my broken chains. Even that business didn't put a damper on a really fun day!
I'm already wanting to be back on the slopes!
December 11, 2006
Kitten needs a name!

Killing the Duck
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
Mr. Kitten just ain't cuttin' it as his name.
No name has really jumped out. I had considered naming him True, since he was found at Truitt and White, the lumber yard, as a stray.
P didn't care for that name.
Help name the cat!
Current names under consideration:
P likes Angus. It makes me think "steak".
Henry. P likes, and I can live with it. A bit of a lackluster name.
Zeppo. I like, P is neutral. Zeppo is random. A bit nuts.
When he's not hiding under the couch, he's zipping all over the place. Kitty freak-outs. Attacking anything not moving. The spazzattack last about 15 minutes, then he's back under the couch for a nap.
We wonder if he needs a sibling. Most of the time he's a lone wolf just chillin'. But maybe he'd do well with a buddy?
December 7, 2006
December 6, 2006
Adding to the family....
I adopted a kitten. He's being neutered today and I bring him home after his surgery.
The little guy picked ME, I swear. He's an orange tabby. He seems super mellow, at least in the shelter environment.
November 20, 2006
Mellow Monday and more to come
Not gloating, but I'm done working! I left there Friday night with a sense of relief.
I had to teach Saturday morning at 7am, though. But I always get extra energized when I'm teaching a Spin class. My music, my designed workout and, in a sense, it's a bit of a performance. Two hours of class flew by. Saturday afternoon I took a three hour yoga class. One of my long-time teachers does a three hour workshop once a month. It's a way to chip away at the crust in one's muscles in a deep way. A hot tub and sauna finished my Saturday off nicely.
Sunday was more mellow, until we had a special birthday spin class for one of our friends, followed by a get-together at Trader Vics in Emeryville. Love that place, despite it being expensive with marginal service.
Luna girl didn't go to her Dads on Sunday night like she usually does. She's staying here for a couple more days, until I leave for Chicago. It's nice having a dog here more than two days a week. She's far less of a freak than she once was and has settled into being a nice mellow dog.
More mellow than manic today, too. I could get used to this. Got a massage this morning and then went to yoga. Did some errands, been chilling out at home, and now off to Spin.
After I get back from Thanksgiving travel, I plan to take a look at the December calendar and squeeze in some adventure, be it a camping trip or a quick visit to Yosemite. I'm hoping for snow soon, so I can start making use of this season pass to Kirkwood. The dude is saving for his motorcycle so there's no days off for fun outta him anytime soon.
I swear my shoulders are sitting three inches lower now that I'm not a computer slave in a shitty chair in a dark cube.
La la la. I could get used to this freedom.
November 14, 2006
Too funny!
Within two hours, I received an email about more work. HA!
It's a project I worked on a while back. It's more arty than what I usually produce. It's about art, not advertising. It's working from home finding cool art to be in klassy stores. It's working from h o m e . That alone is meaningful. Yes, of course there are the usual politics, layers of approvals, and the usual. But it could start after Thanksgiving and take me through the end of March.
working from home. during snowboarding season. uh huh.
i am going to give them my highest rate and see if they bite. no loss if they don't!
November 13, 2006
The Wall
I no longer care. I just want to be done.
I've been working too much this year. Giving too much of my own energy, brainpower and life. I don't know how the people around me, the staffers, do it. We're all working on one of the biggest product launches in years, and these exhausted souls have been at it for months.
I wish I could be done working in advertising. I think what I find so draining about it is that I find it meaningless. It doesn't fuel my need to do personally meaningful work that has a purpose that I find worthwhile.
Today, while riding BART into the city, I thought, "I really wonder what it would take to work in Veterinary Medicine." In high school I abandoned my call to be a Vet, thanks (or not) to some very misguided advice from my high school guidance counselor.
I want to work with animals. I want to be involved in holistic health. This is all overshadowed by my reluctance to go into debt by going back to school.
It's hard to summon the ongoing energy to work on something that doesn't feel fulfilling.
I've also realized that if I want time off, I need to turn down work. I would really like the month of December off. I'm just putting that out into the universe, since I seem to have a difficult time turning down work.
In other news:
I've really been feeling the loss of Milo lately. I've had a couple hard crying jags. He would have been eight at the end of this month. I still miss his velvety block head and weighty silent presence on a regular basis.
I have decided to take fun into my own hands. Years ago, I said I wanted to do a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. Next year, I will do it. Alone.
I've also been talking about taking a yoga teacher training course. Next year I want to begin this. I'm not saying I will be a yoga teacher immediately afterwards, but I want to begin the process.
Starting in December, I have a permanent slot teaching Spin at Berkeley Ironworks. An evening class, even!
There's a lot of good in my life. I just need to take a step back from all this work to recognize and appreciate it.
October 29, 2006
October 19, 2006
A Long Time Ago
I can't wait. This ought to be fascinating. Google in an amazing tool.
October 17, 2006
Duh, Jen...
I'm working too damn much.
I haven't been to the gym in 12 days. Sure, I've been sick. But, still. I vote for sleep over spin, and that's not right. Neither is it right that it's not light out until after 7am, which is part of my problem in waking up.
Must. Exercise. Soon.
October 13, 2006
Changing Seasons
No such luck. Since I was a small child, colds often morphed into something larger. Sinus infections. Bronchitis. A few times, pneumonia. All require antibiotics. Nowadays, as a stubborn adult who eschews medication and goes for alternative remedies, this usually means a week or more of being miserable until I give in and go to the doctor. This week has been filled with painful hacking coughs, shortness of breath, an asthma attack or two, and feeling like hell. My coughing is worse at night. It routinely kicks up into full gear around 4am. My dearone P has been woken nightly by my bouts of coughing. I've even woken the neighbors above me in the pre-dawn coughing spells.
My body is incredibly sore from all the coughing. I feel like I've done a thousand crunches. My psoas aches. My thighs ache. My chest and shoulders are sore to the touch.
I broke down and went to Kaiser today. Antibiotics, inhalers, codeine cough syrup. The predictable goody bag.
More importantly, I go to my acupuncturist tomorrow. I managed to score a cancellation. I should have gone sooner, the "fall tune-up" is something that should become part of my preventative routine.
Tomorrow's a big needlin' day. After the acupuncture, I go get my tattoo worked on! Haven't had a session since June, so I don't care how sick I am, I'm not about to cancel this one.
I finished a nice freelance gig yesterday. Six weeks back at my old haunt. Nice to see everyone. Amazingly, I had two agencies wanting to have me start on Monday. Nice to be able to have choices. I am incredibly grateful and surprised at how work keeps showing up. I don't even have a resume these days. In this business, if you're pleasant to work with, do a kickass job, and leave things wrapped up so someone else doesn't have to figure out loose ends, it seems to be plenty to push one's professional reputation forward and keep the work coming. All those things come easily, and I'm so so so much happier being a freelancer. I was hoping for a break, but I'm riding out this wave of work and being grateful that I can earn this kind of money and save save save.
Snowboarding season is just around the corner, and I'll be happy to have those slower months to be in Tahoe.
That's what's keeping me plowing through all this work.
Gotta go hydrate.
September 27, 2006
On the brighter side
Planning to bring my bike with the hopes I can squeeze in a long ride on Highway One. I love riding on the coast.
September 25, 2006
Another Month, Another Thought.
Damn it. I'm starting to feel the effects of aging. Not the "Oh my god, i have wrinkles!" sort of aging. I feel it physically.
I'm just coming off an intense work stretch of nearly two weeks of working without a day off. Long hours, long days, strung together. Lots of driving. I feel exhausted, not right, lethargic. In recent memory, a day off and I'd bounce back fine. Didn't need lots of sleep or pampering. Not so any longer. I need sleep. Desperately. So much so that I am choosing sleep over early morning spin classes, which really sucks incredibly hard.
I've been noticing my knees are stiff and achy more often than not. I have arthritis which usually appears in the winter months. It seems to have settled in on a full time basis lately. The shots I get in both knees usually last a full year. The shots had seven months of usefulness this year.
When I went away earlier in the month, I slept in a bed that wasn't mine. My back hasn't been right since. Granted, I was in a car accident nearly six months ago (when the hell can I stop thinking about the accident and all the ways it has impacted my life? Such a minor accident in the scheme of things, yet it has impacted more than words can say month after month.) Why would a different bed destroy my back? I'm fucking aging. And life is handing me very obvious signs, because I am known for missing subtle cues handed to me by my own self.
There is an end in sight to the work. They hired a full-timer. I'll be staying on until she starts and get her up to speed, then make my departure into the unknown. I hope to see a lot of hours in the gym and on the saddle in the second half of October.
Fuck, man, aging sucks.
August 26, 2006
New Growth

New Flower
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
This flower opened a few days ago.
Seemingly insignificant. And it is. Aside from this being the plant I bought when I moved into the apartment. This whole branch has since developed from the main stem, essentially from nothing, over the course of a few months sitting in front of the big window diffused by airy linen.
Before moving, I could never keep a houseplant alive, let alone an orchid.
It's so pretty.
August 25, 2006

Burney Creek
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
Camping trip was most excellent.
We went with P's wing-it method, which is a little different than Little Miss Planner's methodology. Although I did some research online and had printouts and such, really, it all came down to getting in the car and driving. We looked at, and rejected, campgrounds along Lake Shasta. Too populated, too many RV's, too tourtisty for our tastes. We like our camping to be more remote and free of people close by.
We drove farther north, and headed out 89 East past McCloud. Saw more campgrounds. At about 6pm, we declared a winner. Algoma campground was on Forest Service land. No running water, and an unmaintained vault toilet. It was also free, and we scored a site on McCloud river, with no people in sight. It was awesome hearing the river at all times.
Spent two nights there, checking out the McCloud River waterfalls, the towns of Weed and Mt. Shasta, and having slow mornings. I now have a souvenir "Experience Weed, California" t-shirt to commemorate the trip.
We decided to do some road trippin'. Headed out 89 East again, to check out Burney Falls, drove through Lassen National Park (awesome! far less crowded than Yosemite, and some darn purty landscapes!) We had a snowball fight in August near Mt. Lassen peak; well, not so much as a snowball fight as I ambushed my traveling partner. Made a mental note that I'd love to hike up Lassen peak sometime, plus that place is so uncrowded it would be great for backpacking.
Kept on truckin' out of Lassen and decided to find our campsite for the night. We drove to Lake Almanor and found a nicely empty campground on the south shore of the Lake. It was blissfully quiet thanks to it being Sunday evening. P made a bean stew that even after cooking for, oh, about three hours and two cannisters of propane, the beans were still hard in the center. Go figure. Late and dark into the evening, we heard a noise that caused P to pause (note: only pause, because being a manly-man, he does not frighten. ha!). I recognized the screams as a pack of coyotes in the night. To those who've not experienced such a sounds, it sounds quite like a screaming child and something not-quite-human. Wild!
Next morning we tried to cook those damn beans some more in hopes of having breakfast, but after another hour they still were hard. (And even after two more hours at home that evening: still hard! what the hell?). Finally we gave up on the beans, and headed out. We took Highway 70 down the North Fork of the Feather River. Unbelievably gorgeous territory. Shocking to come into the Delta Towns that were utter shite. Made our way back home, relaxed and happy to have had a few days in nature.
This week has been more dental work, more errands, and then it's back to work for me on Monday! Two weeks off was great, not enough, but hey! That's all some staffers get all year. Ouch! Anyway, I have to wrap my brain around the idea of long hours and such again, but at least did my annual hourly rate increase, so I can't complain too much.
Except I'd like to live someplace more mellow and less crowded. Some day, perhaps.
August 16, 2006
Intimately Familiar
I didn't think so.
I can. It's a source of pretty regular discomfort. It took the hit in my car accident back in April. (April! Nearly five months ago. Why am I not back to 100% yet? It makes me crazy to seem "fine" but to have still such an impact on my cycling abilities.)
Today I was at my chiropractor (whom I love, love, love!) and she waas telling me I needed to work and stretch my QL (quadratus lumborum, shorthand). Yoga, duh. She said "surfing would be really good for it". I have to say, I have always wanted to learn to surf. It was one of two things I wanted to learn when I moved to California 10 years ago. I grew up on the ocean, on Cape Cod. I have salt water in my blood, even though I'm not a stellar swimmer. So I will file this in my brain, and perhaps look for one of those Chick Surf Clinics. Like I don't already have a million different activities that I partake in, that require gear.
Anyway, my quadratus lumborum is sore today. Now that I'm not working, I'm cycling/spinning more. Today will see 2.5 hours of spinning, dork that I am.
I better enjoy the time off while I have it. I just got booked for September. Another agency than the last (in fact, I spent 5 years on staff at the agency I'll be spending my September with!). Gotta deal with the dental BS before then; root canal is done. (thanks to valium and nitrous, it wasn't so bad!)
I am pondering the idea of recovering psychologically from my injuries. It makes me mad and sad and frustrated that I feel slow, sluggy and heavy on the bike. When I simply ride, without regard to speed, it's pure and enjoyable. When I do the mental comparison to where I was pre-accident, I get down. I really, really want to be better. I'd like to do one century this year, just to prove to myself I'm not some lameass.
August 9, 2006

Hip Belt
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
Oh man, I've been a blogging slacker. Free time seems to avoid me; I am expert at squeezing 20 more things into a day. I never seem to have enough time, there's always something I "should" do or "want" to do.
I want some down time. And the good news is, I'm about to get it!
Yep, my freelancing gig ends Friday! I am excited by the possibility of wide open hours ahead of me. Sure I'll miss the dough (especially since I am about to incur some major expenses, but more on that later.) but I am into the game of Extreme Thrift: it's fun to see just how much one can cut expenses and purchases. But even more than my being into the fun of Thrift, I am more excited by reclaiming my own time. I am always very conscious of trading dollars for my life energy.
The ad agency I've been at for the past three months is a very busy place. I've met some cool people, but in general, ad people aren't My People. I am looking forward to not having my ass be the shape of an Aeron chair. To not be in a cube, on conference calls, in meetings, negotiating, producing, and juggling. Instead, I'm about to see freedom.
So while there are some freelancers who would start getting worried about not having work, I am very much looking forward to it. It's one of the main reasons I freelance. I've been lucky as a freelancer; I'm as busy as I'd like to be. But I require a couple months off a year.
Now that I've gloated, I'll whine. Those expenses I mentioned earlier? Yeah. Check this: I need a root canal, a crown, and new tires on my car. Ka-ching! That just ate into about a month's living expenses.
When I was told today that Friday definitely would be my last day, my first thought was: "YES! This means I can go for a long bike ride before my root canal on Monday!" I'm looking forward to getting back into the physical shape I was in a few months ago (car accident + day job with long hours = 5 pounds). I'd like to even try gym climbing again to see how the shoulder is doing. What can I say? I'll probably spend 3+ hours a day exercising. Some people think I exercise too much already. (Ha! Hardly!)
I'm also going camping in a week. A trip is in the works to go up to Lake Shasta area. Being in the outdoors like that is so therapeutic for me. It's unbelievable what it does for my soul. I got me one hell of a cute camp partner who also happens to be a fabulous cook.
Jeez, I feel like a lucky girl.
July 7, 2006
Life is Good!

Ball Obsessed!
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
I sound like one of those cheesy t-shirts they sell at REI. You know the ones.
It's been a l-o-n-g time since I've updated.
The house sold. Quickly. Easily. For a lot more than asking, and seven offers. The media hype about the real estate market's decline is BS.
The divorce is final. Legally single. Happy to have that whole thing wrapped up and to still be friends. I wish him only happiness and a life that is meaningful.
I'm recovering nicely from the car accident. Thanks to a lot of bodywork. I sold my Death Ride ticket, though, because I am not strong enough for that this year. Maybe next year? Who knows. I haven't done more than 40 miles in a long time.
I'm all settled into my apartment on Lake Merritt. I really like it here! It's so nice to see the changing light on the lake, the Canadian Geese babies, and the spaciousness of having a lake nearby.
Been working a steady freelance gig for two months now. It's good money. Very steadily busy, long hours, and back to working in an office five days a week (that took some getting used to!). Looks like it will continue for at least a month.
Aside from life being very busy and filled with work things are pretty mellow. Haven't been this happy in a long while. I wish I could spend more time with Luna Dog, but she stays with me on the weekends.
Heading out this weekend for my first camping trip of the year. Going up the coast north of Jenner. Looking forward to a mellow time, good hikes, yummy camp food, and practicing yoga outdoors.
June 14, 2006
New Tattoo
May 29, 2006
April 20, 2006

Crashed out
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
I can rest. The house is on the market, as of today. Been working our asses off for weeks to get it ready. Funny, all the work that we hoped to do on the house while living there was done, as to make it someone else's home. Things were painted beige, a color not in my vocabulary. Things were "neutralized" across the board. A stager was hired. I gotta say, it looks amazing. It also looks like Not My House, which makes it easy to begin the detachment process. Soon, I'll no longer be a homeowner.
Two weeks ago I moved to the Lake Merritt part of Oakland. I like it here. It's such a change of pace from the suburbs of Richmond. I found a dog friendly apartment easily, and it happens to be a very cool apartment at that. I like to ignore the fact that my rent is more than my mortgage payment.
I live within easy walking distance to a grocery store. And, hey! One of the best things: restaurant delivery!
The day after I moved to Oakland, I got in my very first car accident. Bummer. I was hit by an unlicensed, uninsured driver on 580. I'm pretty much okay (back sprains and pain) and my car has been fixed. I'm drowning in insurance paperwork. But Hell! Recall how I used to complain about driving in traffic on 80? Be careful what you ask for. Now I dodge other vehicles in the madness that is known as the 580 Freeway.
Luna dog is here living with me, as evidenced by her crashed out sleeping on the couch. Rough life, eh? This is what she does while I work. Fortunately during all the hectic work of moving and selling the house and the car accident, I've been able to work from home. I'm working on a freelance project for Banana Republic. I'm finding artists to be in their in-store art program. Fun stuff.
In other news, it's been raining endlessly. Haven't been out riding my bike in forever. Now it's nice during the week, but is supposed to rain on the weekend. Gotta start training for the Death Ride soon!
I feel exhausted. Like I've been carrying a 50 pound weight strapped to my back for a month, and it was just taken off today. I am bone tired. I desperately want and need a weekend away. But it may not come anytime soon. Even camping would be swell. A break from the routine and some detachment from day to day life would be hugely relaxing now.
Oh man. Keep your fingers crossed the house fetches a good price. If I get some good money out of it, I'm going to go for a REAL extravagant vacation, like Maya Tulum or maybe even Canyon Ranch. You know, some swanky spa vacation like the rich ladies go on. Wouldn't that be nice?
March 25, 2006
March 21, 2006
Forward Progress
I got Milo's paw print tattooed on me.
I found an apartment, rather easily, and it's mine on April 1st (no joke!)
I'm moving to Oakland!
There have been many runs to the dump, to donate, and to storage.
purge purge purge. it feels very good.
Barely been outside riding (cold, wet, and busy)
Have been teaching a weekly spin class at Ironworks.
Been getting my ass kicked in Scrabble lately.
All the divorce papers are done and we're still buds.
My resistance is low, and I caught a respiratory bug.
(I was sick this same time last year, with the same thing, go figure.)
I am very grateful so have so many good people in my life.
And I'm going to get a massage right now!
March 7, 2006
I'm in. Guess I better start training?
Once things settle down a bit I will. Right now, I'm about to move, about to sell my house, and about to go a leetle bit nutso....
March 2, 2006
It's March.
I've got too damned much on my plate right now, on my mind. It was a month ago tomorrow that I said goodbye to Milo; random thoughts and reminders can still send me into tears. The divorce, well, that's still plodding along and should be finalized in June. I've worked exactly six days this year; thus far, haven't been paid for any of the work. Oh, and it looks like we're going to be selling our house. That's the biggie: getting it ready to sell (oh, the amount of work that needs to be done!), putting it on the market, and then joining the Bay Area rental market. No doubt I'll be paying at least double what my share of the mortgage was. Any one of these issues would be enough. Nope, massive change is being thrown at me all at once.
I tell myself it can only get better, right?
I keep my fingers crossed for work, doing all the network-y stuff that's necessary but no fun. Work would at least take my mind off the other stuff and not make me feel vulnerable and poor.
I'm purging objects from my life, selling things on Craig's List left and right. I gave up my parking spot in the garage to two piles marked "dump" and "donate". Want anything? As much as I feel like I've let go, it still seems like there's so much physical clutter in my life.
Luna Dog is being exceptionally cute and cuddly lately. She's going for more car rides, more trips to the park. I'm thankful she's still in my life. There! I said something positive.
Cue up the Calgon commercial... I could use it.
February 24, 2006
February 14, 2006
February 8, 2006

Milo's Last Day
Originally uploaded by jenworth.
I'm missing him like crazy. He was such a presence in my life in small ways I wasn't even aware.
A day hasn't gone by without tears.
He was such a special soul.
February 4, 2006
Goodbye Milo

Originally uploaded by jenworth.
Milo, aka Dresden's Eye of the Storm.
November 28, 1998 - February 3, 2006.
My sweet little guy is gone. I had to let him go. His kidneys couldn't keep going. I couldn't let him suffer any more. He was such a brave, strong, loving boy. Words cannot describe how much I miss him and how much I'm hurting.